On this Episode I chat with Melanie and we discuss paper qualifications for radio jobs.

Although great to have I don’t think they are essential these days. Pulling a shift on a community radio station is just as valuable as paper qualifications and Podcasting will get you ahead in the game too.

Every man and their dog has a podcast – why shouldn’t you? It’s a great way to develop flying hours and spend some very precious time behind the microphone.

Melanie asks – Is sending a long form podcast any good as a demo for a radio job? I would say take a bite sized piece of your podcast and showcase what you have as long as you can display for the Content Director that you can present well, your interaction with a guest is good and your can structure a break well then I don’t think it can hurt send parts of your podcast as a radio demo.

You should always explain your situation. If you are not working in a radio station at the moment and parts of a podcast it what you have to offer then be sure to explain that in your cover when applying for a radio job.

Another great idea when applying for a job is to tailor make your demo. If you are going for a job in Adelaide then do a little bit of research about which Footy teams run out of there, what’s the main strip in the city called, what’s pop culture in Adelaide right now? Incorporate localism into your demo. If you are willing to put the effort in when it comes to producing a demo then a Content Director should be very excited – Imagine what you could do working for them.

We also discuss networking it’s essential in the radio industry. Networking really plays a role in what your career looks like going forward. If you are on someone’s radar when a job becomes available at their radio station then chances are you are the one that will get the call up.
