Radio voice? Stop Faking it…

It’s no secret that radio has evolved over the years and one of the biggest changes came some years ago when evolution saw the end of the need for announcers with those Golden Tonsils. You remember the 70’s, 80’s and part of the 90’s and those...

The Top 10 tips on Self Development – ON AIR

1. Listen and Learn. Radio is changing every single day and some of the best teachings come from actually listening to other announcers. I’m not asking you to copy them, but listen to what they do. You might like the way certain announcers do things, tactics...

Radio Spot Light: A Lesson in Best of Shows

Photo Credit: Australian Radio Network This week’s edition of Radio Spot Light comes off the back of hearing a Best of Show rolled out as they are every year around this time. Normally The Breakfast show goes on Holidays and to keep your listeners bolted on to...

Radio Spotlight – It pays to Sound Different

Photo Credit: Southern Cross Ausetreo This week’s Radio Spot light comes out of the Goulburn Valley. Jordan Bocock hasn’t been in Shepparton all that long but it’s hardly surprising that he is set to re-locate to the Beautiful Central Coast in the...