This week’s edition of Radio Spot Light comes off the back of hearing a Best of Show rolled out as they are every year around this time. Normally The Breakfast show goes on Holidays and to keep your listeners bolted on to your station you re-visit some of the best bits and replay them as you wind up for the year.
As expected that’s exactly what Melbourne’s GOLD 104 did this year with the juggernaut that is the “Christian O’Connell Show”. It’s been Melbourne’s Number #1 FM breakfast show 10+ for the past 2 years so why wouldn’t you replay a few of the solid moments from the year?
Now I’ve heard Best of shows rolled out over the years and in fact been the host of a few over the journey. Normally the way it works you are gifted 5-10 best bits from the breakfast show and a lead in statement for each to help you give context to the piece of audio you are about to play. 9 times out of 10 it sounds really un-natural and forced.
Not on Friday morning though…
Have a listen to Huggy from GOLD 104 setting up the replay from The Christian O’Connell show.
He has built a stage for the BIT using a personal story and then cut straight to the caller allowing the Christian O’Connell show to react to the caller’s story.
This is a real lesson in when you are asked to host those best of show’s leading into Christmas or Survey breaks to view them as a great opportunity to create some great content as appose to set and forget radio.
Here’s another great example from Huggy!