This week’s Radio Spot light comes out of the Goulburn Valley.
Jordan Bocock hasn’t been in Shepparton all that long but it’s hardly surprising that he is set to re-locate to the Beautiful Central Coast in the coming weeks while staying with the Hit Network.
I’m forever on the lookout for announcers that go that extra mile in their breaks. Announcers that spend that little bit of extra time in the production stage of their break, work the script a little harder to make the break tighter or just ask their callers a few extra questions to pan for gold – all of that 1% stuff counts when it comes to making great radio.
On this occasion it’s clear that Jordan has creatively thought about how he will announce the brand new song for Kylie Minogue. Because it’s a brand new music he could be excused for just telling us “There is a brand new track by Kylie that has emerged so let’s get it on”. New music doesn’t need a heap of context but Jordan’s creative brain never stops between 9-12pm. On this occasion he has brought the GV listeners into the mix and made it sound like a more sought after song than it actually is with a little humor on the end.
In this break he’s talking about the vibe of the Melbourne Cup Day and asks a caller from (Insert Local Town Here) how she spent her Melbourne Cup Day Public holiday? The caller gave a lot in this break and that’s all that was needed… Jordan took the opportunity of an easy/funny out tying in the winning horses name with some SFX and job done! Simple but effective!
Take a bow Jordan there are a lot of young Radio announcers that should be taking a leaf out of your book!