This week on the Podcast I chat with Katrina from Positive Media in Melbourne and explore the concept of creative hooking. How can you draw your audience into what you have lined up in the next 15 mins?

Getting your audience through the commercial break is your biggest task as a radio announcer. It’s about finding another angle for a song that people have heard a million times.

Here are some great hints on Creative Hooking!

  • NO LISTS! You must lean into the music you have coming up but find a unique angle.
  • Use a caller to help you sell he music you have coming up.
  • You Tube is one of the best resources you can use for artist grabs and other pieces of audio.
  • Keep all your interviews – you never know when you’ll need them again.
  • Record audio with your wife, kids, husband & people around the office to help you sell the music.
  • Use Facebook to find fans of the music groups that you might have coming up in the log. There are a lot of fan pages on Face Book – Use them to your advantage.

Remember it’s your job to keep your audience listening to your radio station for as long as you can and a laundry list of songs isn’t going to cut it.

