Being Relatable in your Market

Being Relatable in your Market

Often in Radio you’ll find yourself on the air broadcasting to a particular audience that you are clearly not a part of. It may be your filling in on a sister station, or were so keen to get your first country gig you didn’t even stop to check what music...

Ep25: Your Community

This week on this show it’s all about building your tribe. The only way you are going to do that is if you got invested into the Community you are talking to on a daily basis. The moment you land a breakfast gig in a regional center you should be looking at ways...

Why have you not started a Podcast?

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio on There are a lot of Campaigns to warn you against starting a Podcast because let’s face it every man and there dog has one. I listen to a lot of podcasts on a weekly basis and it’s probably fair to say there are...

Ep23: Preparation is key

You have heard people say it time and time again… The 5 P’s – Prior Preparation Prevents Poor performance and I’ve got to be honest there has never been a more accurate sentence rolled out! Whatever your discipline of radio or podcasting if you...