Articles Library
Embrace your Natural flying hours
Flying hours are crucial to your development in radio and sometimes they come when you least expect it. I was talking to a radio student earlier today and he was getting frustrated because talk breaks were taking so many attempts to pre-record or voice track. He was a...
Ep13: The Coaching Clinic – Creating Content as a Music Jock.
In this edition of the coaching clinic we explore how being a Music Jock is this day and age of radio is more than just "That was, this is"... Music Jocks these days are a very important piece of the fabric that is the radio station. I'll step you through how basic...
Ep12: The Coaching Clinic – A Step by step guide to creating a great talk break.
This week on the show I show you how to put together a solid music break... From the beginning, to the middle of the break (Or thought) and then the end of the break (The Hook). We explore what you can do to make a radio break sound different. You don't want to do the...
Ep11: The Coaching Clinic – Let yourself be Real
This week on the show we talk about being authentic and real. One of the main things that is going to bring you undone on the radio if you try and be someone that you are not! Stick to what you know and don't move away from the brand that you have created for...
Episode 7: Fyona Smith from AFTRS says “Learn from the best, learn from the worst…”
We have learned many things from the Air Heads Podcast over 100 Episodes and one of the key takeaways for me came in Episode 7 with Fyona Smith from AFTRS. "Learn from the best I would strongly encourage anyone who's hoping to have a career in radio is to find those...
A good lesson from Episode 40: Phone calls are a gift!
In the first 100 episodes of The Air Heads Pod Cast there was some GOLD advice dished out by a number of guests that joined me on the journey. Huggy FROM GOLD 104.3 "When people ring you, don't see it as a chore, Look! every second call is gonna be somebody saying - I...